Singer and actor Frank Sinatra, with his minders and his stand in (who is wearing an identical outfirt to him), arriving at Miami beach while filming, 'The Lady in Cement', 1968.

Frank Sinatra Miami Beach Broadwalk

Terry O’Neill


“Frank Sinatra”


85,5×61 cm




The 1967 “Franck Sinatra Boardwalk” photo in Miami Beach boardwalk shows Terry and Sinatra’s first meeting.


One night at a Jazz club in London, Terry tells Ava Gardner that he has to fly to Miami the next day to photograph a young rising movie star, Raquel Welch who was in a Tony Roma movie with Frank Sinatra. “Lady in Cement”.


Ava Gardner, still in love with Sinatra, writes a letter and says to Terry O’Neill, “give it to Frank”.


“I was walking along the Miami Beach Boardwalk towards the Fontainebleau Hotel where Sinatra resided. He toured during the day and sang in cabarets at night. I had no idea how to meet him, he was one of the biggest stars in the world and it was very difficult to approach him.


Suddenly he appears around the corner, walking with his entourage from the film. I take the picture, probably my most famous picture, and he comes towards me.


I hand him the letter, he opens it and read it. He then turns to his bodyguards and says: this guy is with me. I never knew what Ava wrote to him but I knew he was still crazy about her, that she still had power over him and that he loved her until his last day. ”


Price upon request.


Find the full biography of the artist on this page.


Photography, Terry O'Neill

franck sinatra, photographie, sinatra, terry o'neill