photography Tag

A night with Marilyn

Douglas Kirkland (1934) November 1961  A young photographer born in Canada (1934) and recently hired by Look magazine, Douglas Kirkland was called upon to produce a report with Marilyn Monroe, then at the height of her fame, on the occasion of the magazine's 25th anniversary in November

Chen Man, New International Star of Photography

CHEN MAN 1980, Beijing  Chen Man is a photographer born in Beijing in 1980. Representing this generation born after the Cultural Revolution and its various excesses (1966-1976), Chen man graduated from the prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. She quickly established herself as the most brilliant fashion

Opening of the Norman Parkinson exhibition

The opening of the exhibition of photographs by Nomarn Parkinson (1913 - 1990) took place in the sublime setting of CREM, the Club of Foreign Residents of Monaco. The large audience had the privilege of discovering portraits of David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Yves Saint-Laurent, Audrey Hepburn,

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