thierry bisch Tag

Big Bear, an aluminum sculpture by Thierry Bisch

Ferus gallery is pleased to present a preview of Thierry Bisch's latest work; “Big Bear”. Made of chromed aluminum casting, the “Big Bear” work is intended to be presented outdoors, in a natural environment. Of an exceptional size, 200 x 90 x 55 cm, presented on its

Ferus Gallery and Thierry Bisch help Monaco SPA

Help Monaco SPA

Friday, July 29, we met, Jean-Michel MANZONE, Secretary General of SPA Monaco, Pierre VERDINO, Director of the refuge, Stéphane BALLESTER, Director of the Grands Chais and Didier VILTART, Director of Ferus Gallery for the presentation of the funds check collected on the occasion of the

A Thierry Bisch Limited Prints

Artists’ Words : Thierry Bisch

At the very beginning of spring, the world took a break. It came as no surprise to me, I had expected an event for a long time. The frenzied rush into the absurd, the destruction of the living for fleeting profit, the obscene glorification of

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